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Join our Weekly Quiz Community

We've streamlined the process for you to join and interact with Waterford's longest-running quiz seamlessly. Watch and listen along as if you were right there with us.

To join, simply add the game code: 'COVE'

Missing Host

If you're unable to see or hear the quiz master on certain devices, look for the green speaker icon in the upper left corner of the quiz app. If the issue persists, here's a quick hack to resolve it. This problem commonly occurs when transitioning from one round to the next. The optimal time to apply this fix is during the ten-minute break. Simply click the refresh button 🔄 on your internet browser, which you're using to play the game. After refreshing, sign back in using the same details that should still be on your sign-in page. Click "Continue Player" and specify whether you're playing in the venue or as an online player (Outside the venue).

Boom! the Host is Back

After applying the manual fix, you can now once again see and hear the quiz master, enhancing the quiz experience for all players, whether in the venue or not.

If you enjoy our quiz and appreciate the host's time and effort in preparing questions, answers, additional information, as well as creating cool graphics and pictures (which, as you may understand, takes considerable time), please consider contributing a tip to the host. Your contribution helps maintain our online community, allowing you to join us every week from anywhere in the world.

In-venue players are not expected to make an online monetary tip, as the venue management covers the entertainment expenses

After round 3 is complete we will divert all devices to our 'Thank You' page while we play 'Take Your Pick' live in the venue and is exclusively only heard if your in the venue. 5 minutes or less you can divert back to the game and see, hear and view the quiz results. If you want during this small break you will have an opportunity to 'Tip The Host'.

Thank you, and we look forward to having you join us each week for the fun and excitement of quizzing.